Celebrating 185 years of railways in Crewe
Sat 22 Oct: 13:00 to 15:00
Sun 23 Oct: 13:00 to 15:00
Goostrey Station Artist, Debbie Goldsmith, will support visitors to take part in a huge train themed Dot to Dot and Colour by numbers.
Visitors will be invited to take part in adding to a huge ‘Dot to Dot’ & ‘colour by number’ style drawing based on an image of one of the trains at the Crewe Heritage Centre. Building on the success of the previous workshop at the Heritage Centre we will base the workshop directly on the floor so participants can engage hands on in making the art piece. Using simple instructions participants will be guided to fill in areas with lines following numbers to create the outline of the train then given colour to add to areas within the drawing using a guided number system, to reveal the ‘wow’ factor of a huge drawing of a train by the end of the workshop
Debbie will set up a time lapse camera to record the image develop over the workshop.
This event is run as part of the a series of events to celebrate the 185th anniversary of the railway in Crewe, in partnership with North Staffordshire Community Rail Partnership and Avanti West Coast.
Entry to this event is included with your museum admission ticket, visit crewehc.co.uk/tickets for more info.
This event has been organised by the Crewe to Manchester Community Rail Partnership.