A new service is being provided at Marple Station. Fresh Coffee!
Fresh coffee provided by Coffee Bean Dream a wide variety of coffees available. Arrive a few minutes early and grab your cup.
A new service is being provided at Marple Station. Fresh Coffee!
Fresh coffee provided by Coffee Bean Dream a wide variety of coffees available. Arrive a few minutes early and grab your cup.
The RMT have recently announced that there will be industrial action on three consecutive Saturdays:
25th August, 1st September and 8th September.
Please check Northern’s web site for details of effected services before you travel on those dates.
The RMT have confirmed that they will be holding a one day strike on Wednesday 9th May. Go to Northern’s web site for information on services that will be operating on the day.
The RMT union have announced that a proposed day of industrial action on Tuesday the 30th May 2017 has been suspended. More information can be found on Northern’s Industrial Action web page.
The RMT union have announced a day of industrial action on Friday the 28th April 2017. This will impact on Northern services across the region. Please check for details if planning to travel on this day. More information can be found on Northern’s Industrial Action web page.
The RMT union have announced their intention to hold a day of industrial action on the 8th. April 2017. This will result in disruption to most services in and around Manchester.
Please check Northern Rail’s web site for service details.
Geocaching- Bringing the adventure outdoors!
What is Geocaching?
Geocaching is an outdoor adventure where players use the Geocaching free mobile app or a GPS device to find cleverly hidden containers around the world. 3 million people worldwide are currently part of the Geocaching network, and its growing fast! With more than 830,000 active users in the U.S., more than 375,000 in Germany and more than 160,000 in the United Kingdom.
Why do people Geocache?
People geocache because it’s a way to explore the world around them with friends and family and because it’s fun. Geocaching is a game that reveals a world beyond the everyday, where the possibility of a new discovery hides under park benches, in the forest and probably a short walk from where you are right now. Whether you’re looking ways to get the kids out the house, or you simply fancy an adventure, Geocaching is the way forward.
More than 2.8 million geocaches are waiting to be found in over 180 countries. Start your Geocaching journey today!
Click HERE to watch a Geocaching introduction VIDEO!
Click HERE to visit the official Geocache website!
Romiley Methodist Modellers are hosting their annual event at Romiley Methodist Church.
This event is aimed at families. Admission is by donation. Proceeds will go to Action for Children. As well as the normal ‘don’t touch’ scenic layouts, there will be several hands-on / drive-it-yourself layouts for the young-at-heart of all ages, and a ‘Can-You-Spot?’ challenge. Kindly leave the on-site car park for those with limited mobility. Romiley Station and bus stops are only four hundred meters from the Church.
This site has been re-designed using funding from the Designated Community Rail Development Fund – thank you to DfT,
Network Rail and the Association of Community Rail Partnerships for their support.